Friday, February 8, 2008

Secret Spoilage

On Wednesday, after another long day at the office, I came home to the most delightful thing: a package just for me! Wishful Thinking on the Knittyboard sent me a big box of goodies. I really should have taken a picture before tearing into the packages because everything was wrapped so beautifully, but I couldn't wait! Just look at the goodies inside:

11 hours a day at work means bad flash photography

Chocolate - including Trader Joe's chocolate covered pretzels and The Chocolate Traveler wedges, yum - hilarious snarky postcards, a cell phone cozy knit just for me, a sweet card, and three skeins of yarn!


Mmmm malabrigo (my first!), Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool, and a yarn oddity by the fabulous Ms. Pixie Riot! I will have to update you later on the colorways since I'm away from my yarn right now.

Last but not least, a little pot of daffodils, their green shots just peeking out of the dirt. I love daffodils, and they are one of the few things I miss from our days in Tennessee. Wishful Thinking - you must be psychic!

Thank you for brightening up my day.