Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cherie Amour at 3:00 a.m.

Or Finally an FO!

Saturday night I stayed up until o'dark thirty, madly seaming Sassy's Cherie Amour. There could be no more procrastination - the sweater was scheduled to get on a plane at 4:30 Sunday morning. I finished, bribed my Mom to take some quick pics, and said goodbye to the never-ending sleeves.

Don't you love my jammies?

This sweater is gorgeous, and if I didn't suffer from sleevitis, it would be a very fast knit. Except for the yarn sub, I did no modifications to the pattern. I originally planned to do two of these, one for my sister and one for me. The pattern is so flattering that I will definately knit the second! When I do it again, I will make some slight mods by lengthening the "skirt" and starting the ribbing just above my hipbones.

The details:

Cherie Amour, Knitty Fall 2007, size M (38)

US #13 and # 9 circular needles, 24-inch lengths (Addi Turbos)

Classic Elite Renaissance, 100% wool, 7114 Denim, 8 hanks. I kettle dyed the yarn with blues, aquas, and purples for a very sublte varigation. The yarn is not as soft as some wool blends (merino comes to mind), but it is perfect for a sweater like this. It shows off the stitch definition perfectly and holds its shape nicely.

Even kitteh loves this sweater!
I haven't heard from Sassy yet - she won't be able to wear it for many months yet. She is fat and happy, pregnant with my very first niece! Squee! If anyone deserves a sweater...